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Fuel Cell Porometer

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The TECHINC Fuel Cell Porometer provides fully automated through-pore analysis including pore-throat diameter, pore size distribution, mean flow pore diameter, and liquid & gas permeability. The porometer’s versatility allows the user to simulate operating conditions. The instrument has special features to measure the effects of compressive stress on a sample, test temperature, sample orientation, and layered structure on pore structure characteristics. The fully automated, user-friendly Fuel Cell Porometer is an asset in quality control and R&D environments.


  • Pore throat diameters

  • The largest pore throat diameter

  • Mean flow pore diameter

  • Pore distribution

  • Gas permeability

  • Through pore surface area (Envelope Surface Area)

  • Characteristics measureable using gas with 0 to 100 % humidity

  • Test temperatures can be 200°C and in special situations 800°C

  • Pore size measured in samples under compressive stress of up to 1000 psi

  • Pore structure of each layer of a multilayer composite

  • Pore diameters down to about 0.013 μm

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