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Flatsheet membrane casting machine
  • Membrane Flat Sheet Casting Machine with Heating Arrangement

  • Membrane Flat  sheet casting machines are used for casting uniform flat sheets of membranes in laboratories to sizes 200 mm x 250 mm max with adjustable speeds of casting.  They are provided with gap adjustment facility to fix membrane thickness. 

  • However, many research applications demand heating of cast membranes for solvent evaporation from the cast dope  – for which membrane cast plates are shifted to hot air ovens.  Uniform temperature of heating  around  membrane sheets  is  difficult to achieve in ovens generally.  In addition, during  transfer  of uncured cast membranes to oven,  membranes are disturbed due to handling and inside the oven,  visibility of solvent evaporation from membrane surface  is lost.   


  • Understanding this need, TechInc introduces flat sheet casting machine with heating facility – where the temperature can be set to  150 deg C max. 

  • This facilitates ease of operation and casting of thin film membranes. 

  • This can be tried for various polymeric membranes and also for  Fuel  Cell membranes.

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