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 TECHPoro  Capillary  flow  porometer  series   provides accurate porosity and pore size measurement from a wide range of porous materials and media. The TECHPoro  series  of  porometers  are designed  to  capture  the  flow  characteristics  of multiple test fluids through the test sample to arrive at the correct pore characteristics of the sample. Each porometer is equipped with an array of flow sensing, pressure sensing and regulating devices along with easy to use sample holders.


Each porometer includes specially developed  software,  automated data  acquisition  and  report  generation  modules.  Every porometer is  custom  built  to  suit  the  pore  size  range,  sample  shape,  size and  material required  by  the  user. 

Working Principle:


1. Wetting liquid is allowed to spontaneously fill the pores

2. A non reacting gas is pumped at an increased pressure

3. The gas displaces the liquid from the pores

Pressure Vs Flow 


Pore Characteristics Obtained from testing 


  • Bubble Point

  • Pore Size

  • Pore Distribution

  • Pore density

  • Pore flow % Distribution

The size of displaced pores decreases from large to small with increasing pressure. The through pore distribution is obtained by measuring both the pressure and flow rate of the gas. Most constricted path of the pores are called pore throat. TECHPoro measures the diameter of the pore throat.

                                    TECHNIQUE OF MEASUREMENTA

  • graph of flow rate vs applied pressure is plotted when the sample is wet and hence it is called wet curve.

  • Same graph is plot when the sample is in dry stateand hence it is called dry curve.

  • The flow and pressure values are halved to obtain the half dry graph.


From the three curves the maximum, mean and minimum pore sizes are obtained.


  • The point at which the gas flow is recorded refers to the first bubble point or largest pore size.

  • The point at which the wet curve and half dry curve meet corresponds to the mean pore size.

  • The point at which the wet and dry curve meet corresponds to the smallest pore size.



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